December 24, 2011

Fungsi/camner nak buat/Setup Website/Blog?

Aku tengah main Drupal - sekarang time tengah lemau, boleh la citer sket cara-cara basic buat website. Firstly, terms yang slalu/biasa digunakan:

Website: Basically, website adalah display/paparan interface yang boleh dicapai melalui internet. Internet = web, site = lokasi. Biasanya di access dengan file .html atau .htm melalui browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari,  Opera, IE, etc.). HTML = Hypertext Markup Language.

Blog: Blog adalah concept. Concept cara maklumat disampaikan/dipaparkan. Lebih kurang macam journal. Ada tarik/masa dan cerita pada tarikh dan masa tersebut.

CMS: (Content Management System) Sistem Pengurusan Maklumat/Kandungan (bukan utk pompuan mengandung). CMS memudahkan pengguna untuk taruk content, type/edit blog, upload gambar, susun articles, etc.

Hosting: Server tempat simpan maklumat dan menjalankan process.

Domain Name: Alamat hosting untuk user mencapai/access website/blog daripada browser.

Linux/Apache Server: OS (Operating System) dan application yang digunakan oleh server OpenSource. Biasanya menggunakan .php (Apache). PHP = Hypertext Pre-Processor.

Windows Server: Menggunakan OS by Microsoft. Biasanya menggunakan ASP (Active Server Pages).

Korang boleh pilih sama ada Linux atau Windows. PHP dan ASP mempunyai fungsi yang sama - menjalankan process untuk memaparkan maklumat pada user - dikenali juga sebagai Server-Side processes. Process kat server > hantar kat user.

HTML: Hypertext markup language. Standard untuk semua browser terpaling asas. Nak blaja lebih lanjut, masuk sini,

CSS: Cascading-Style Sheet. Kiranya .css nie macam sarung untuk .html. CSS boleh mempengaruhi macam mana file HTML itu dipaparkan. Contohnya kat .html ada title dan body. CSS akan bagi tau untuk title, font sekian-sekian, color sekian-sekian, size sekian-sekian. Kat body pun macam tu. Nak blaja CSS lebih lanjut, gie sini,

Javascript: Javascript adalah code (atau script) yang dijalankan di Client-Side (kat device(PC/HP/etc) korang). Code tu akan di'download' daripada server kemudian di'save' dalam tomporary file dalam PC pastu di process. Pastu baru dipaparkan atau run. Javascript boleh dianggap sebagai program kecik/ringan - dan boleh melakukan aksi-aksi hangat yang gempak. More info, kat sini,

Flash/Shockwave: Plug-in atau program atau 'Player' yang menjalankan program yang telah didownload daripada server. Sama gak macam Javascript, cuma code(content) tidak dapat dibaca oleh user(pengguna/penerima code). Was developed by Macromedia, pastu Adobe beli. Adobe (cara sebutannya adalah 'A-dobi' bukan 'edop'.. sket-sket edop.. sket-sket adop).

SQL: Structured Query Language (sebutannya 'sequel'). Digunakan untuk buat database. Ada beberapa jenis database, mySQL(Opensource, free), MS-SQL (Mircosoft) dan lain-lain. Database adalah pengkalan data. Data disimpan dalan table untuk memberi maksud/makna kepada data tersebut, biar senang carik dan senang dikenali. Contohnya, dalam table 'Billing' ada header: 'Customer', 'Date', 'Description', 'Price'. Bawah table tu/content table tu ada maklumat yang telah dimasukkan. So, senang nak cari. Contohnya, nak cari 'Customer' sekian-sekian, pada 'Date' sekian-sekian. Process mencari untuk mendapatkan maklumat juga dipanggil query. Contoh code Query: "SELECT Customer FROM tbl_Billing WHERE (Date='25-Dec-2011')"

Website yang menggunakan concept CMS seperti Blog memerlukan SQL database diprocess oleh PHP kat server dan menghantar maklumat kepada user dalam bentuk .html, .css dan boleh juga dalam bentuk script untuk diprocess atau dipaparkan. Code css dan javascript juga boleh dihantar sekali dalam 1 file .html

Untuk memudahkan user/pengguna, ramai developer Opensource telah bersama-sama membangunkan Script / Database / Process / Queries / Template / Theme dan di packaged/bundled kan untuk didownload atau digunakan oleh user secara percuma. Pengguna boleh download, install atau modify ikut keperluan. Kalau tak mo pakai Hosting yang dibeli sendiri, pengguna juga bleh register untuk mendapatkan free Hosting. Diantaranya..


Boleh download Wordpress kat sini, atau register Wordpress hosting percuma kat sini,


Blogger menggunakan Joomla CMS dan alamatnya.. (sekian-sekian) Download Joomla kat sini, atau register free Joomla based hosting kat sini,


Boleh download Drupal kat sini,

So, kalau nak mudah, register.. buat setting sket-sket, masukkan content.. siap! Pastu update content bila rasa nak update.. Since pakai server hosting ngan orang, there are few limitation yang boleh dan tak boleh buat. Tabley modified lebih-lebih.. orang punya! Kalau stakat nak buat blog, website, masuk gambar, masuk video sket-sket, capabilities/limitation pada server yang diorang bagi/tak bagi buat sudah mencukupi..

Kalau nak ada Domain/Hosting Server sendiri, boleh aje. Kena aaa bayar yearly - Bergantung kepada tawaran yang diberi oleh hosting company. Range dia dalam RM30 sampai beribu.. Yang beribu tu kalau buat co-location. Maknanya, ada sebijik server (computer) khas untuk korang - yang disimpan dalam server room (clean-room) on 24hrs. Korang boleh access server tu semacam mana korang boleh access PC - atau Remote Access. Nak main game dalam server pun boleh (kalau line laju).

Nak hosting kat rumah sendiri pun boleh. Takder hal. Kalau korang sanggup on PC 24hrs dan mempunyai line laju. Sama gak macam concept game server time korang nak main online game..

(remote access image)

Kalau hosting yang biasa-biasa, korang boleh access server melalui program/apps/site yang diberikan. Contohnya cPanel. Bila korang dah bayar, company hosting akan bagi password untuk access cPanel. Dalam cPanel, korang boleh setkan database, e-mail address, upload dan download file. Korang juga boleh setkan file/directory mana yang boleh di access atau file/directory mana yang boleh atau tak boleh diaccess oleh orang lain.

Time carik hosting, pastikan tanya dulu "Ramai tak clients dalam server tu? Ramai tak yang berniaga (especially MLM) kat dalam server tu?". Ramai clients tak semestinya bagus. Elakkan share hosting dengan peniaga (especially MLM) yang suka spam (iklan pakai e-mail/SMS lelebih ikut suka hati mak bapak dia, bulk-mailing, bulk-SMS) kepada orang yang tak berkenaan. Bila ramai orang yang tak berkenaan tu sakit hati, received e-mail/SMS sampah dan buat report - atau click "Mark as SPAM", server tersebut akan kena blocked - tak pasal-pasal korang punya website/e-mail pun kena blocked. Tu blum kira lagi total bulk-makian / bulk-doa in real-life. Suey beb! So, jangan spam orang! (termasuk la jugak kat Facebook atau memana laman sosial). Nak tau lebih lanjut tentang kehebatan orang yang jadi jutawan cepat kaya dengan mudah sambil goyang kaki dapat duit, bila masuk MLM, gie usha kat sini

Bila dah ada access ke cPanel, korang boleh la upload dan extract Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal atau lain-lain ke dalam server (directory www atau seumpamanya). Pastu dah bleh buat setting sket dan masukkan content.

Kalau rasa-rasa website/blog korang tak cun, boleh la sendiri modified atau carik memana theme/template free kat internet. Time nie korang perlu ada sedikit pengetahuan/kemahiran tentang graphic editing, HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript dan SQL Database. Untuk buat/edit HTML, CSS, PHP dan Javascript, aku pakai Notepad++. Kengkadang pakai Chrome (browser) built-in editor (masuk Chrome > clisk gambar spanner > tools > developer tools) - Sama ada kat Linux atau Windows. Untuk buat/edit graphics/images, aku pakai GIMP.

Untuk memudahkan time buat development/web editing, kat Windows XP, aku pakai WAMP Server (free). WAMP stands for (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP - 3 dalam 1, takyah susah-susah nak install and configure one by one). WAMP akan jadikan PC korang untuk pretend/kengkonon jadi server. So time tu, tak yah connect kat internet, (off-line) pun tak pe. WAMP akan install Apache, MySQL dan PHP dalam PC. Time ni bleh test samaada website yang korang buat okay ke tidak sebelum di upload kat server sebenar. Download WAMP kat sini,

Ia juga dikenali sebagai 'Virtual Server' yang boleh diaccess melalui http://localhost/.

Kat Ubuntu (Linux) tak yah install WAMP. Sebab fungsi 'Virtual Server' dah memang ada kat dalam tu - built-in.

Dalam Windows Pro ada function ni dikenali sebagai IIS untuk process ASP. Malas nak citer, sebab aku prefer and recommend pakai yang Opensource dan free for everybody.

Citer panjang-panjang tapi aku pakai blogspot... apasal? Sebab bila aku mati nanti, saper nak bayar hosting/domain? Begitu la juga dengan e-mails. Aku harap dan mendoakan blogger/blogspot atau memana/saper-saper yang bagi/provide benda-benda free tanpa niat yang tak baik berada dalam keadaan selamat, sihat dan sejahtera. Thanks to all Opensource communities, supporters and providers and especially donaters -sama ada dalam bentuk wang, codes/usaha/masa, equipments, dll.

Umat manusia sedang memasuki ke era civilization yang baru. Perkongsian/penyebaran ilmu/maklumat amat penting untuk kemajuan. Aku tau macam mana kereta berfungsi - tak semestinya aku mampu bukak kilang dan buat walaupun sebijik kereta. Tapi aku mampu memberi komen / feedback / input / idea kepada tokey kilang kereta dan menjadikan kereta tersebut lebih baik, berbanding dengan tokey kilang yang tak mo terima feedback pengguna. So, don't stop sharing!

Sekian. Thanks for visiting and reading. XOXO.

December 20, 2011

Balik Kampung: Memori Cinta Sekolah Rendah

'Kampung' is a village, hometown or parent's home/place. It's a Holiday season. Holiday = Wedding Ceremony. I went back to my 'kampung' for my brother's wedding last weekend. Congratulation bro! :D

In my 'kampung', I have one favorite spot. No matter where we moved, the spot will moves along. It is a small library.

1 of 4 bookshelves.

During my childhood, I hate 'ABC'. I hate '123'. I hate learning. I love to draw. I love to make stuff. I love playing, I love LEGO, Manila cards, A4 papers, empty plastic/Aluminum bottles, polystyrene, etc.. I always cried when my mom trying to teach me how to read. I always cried when my mom scolded, 'cubit'(pinched) and 'rotan'(whipped with rattan) me because I was very lazy. I was very stubborn compared to my little sister.

My sister can read earlier than me. Until later, I have basic fundamental of reading and counting. I'm very thankful for my parents effort in teaching me. I can read signboard, so that I won't get lost. Now, I have access to unlimited written information and knowledge.

'Mat Sains' (The Science Guy) series by Matlob, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka was one of my favourite book. Came out in the early 80's.

Mat Sains by Matlob, DBP.

When I was in primary school, my hunger for information and knowledge becomes greater. I need more input. I asked my mom and dad a lot of questions. Most of the time, I got no answer - because most of the time they have no idea on what am I asking about. They said "Go find it yourself and tell us". They bought more and more books.

I read more and more books. By reading books, I know more, I can make more stuff. I am a control freak. Now, I have more controls! 'An USBorne Guide to Technical Drawing', 'How to Make Computer Model Controllers' and 'Practical Things to Do with Microcomputers' became my favorite books during mid 80s. Browse more Usborne's books here!. At that time, 'budak darjah 2' (primary 2 school boy) looking for electronic supplies was very challenging. The 'Tauke' (shop owner) don't want to sell those stuff to a small boy - and the access of supplies (ICs) are very very limited. He kept asking me a lot of question. So, I have to lie and trick him - by writing down all the items on a paper and hand it to him, saying that "My dad are looking for this stuff" - quick fix huh!

Books by Usborne.

Having a 8086 computer gave me a lot more access to what I can do - Programming! Now I can make things virtually. My books are not as exciting anymore. I want my dad's book - and he actually gave it to me! Yeay!. I brought these books anywhere I go! 'MS-DOS: GWBasic 3.3' and 'Learning IBM Basic for the Personal Computers' is one of the earliest. To test and run the examples given by the books, I have to re-type all the source-codes. There are no diskettes/CDs comes with the books. There are no GUI or easy-to-use editor and the source-code need to be 100% correct to successfully run. There are no easy-to-use code checker/debugger too. Checking and editing have to be done manually in text based, terminal like command-prompt. If people said that doing programming in Notepad is hard, these are 10 times harder and without a mouse and limited access to printer.

Some sweet dad's Books.

I made friends with a few Chinese guys. They were Form 6 (Secondary 6) science students in a secondary school nearby (around 10 years older). We were sharing the same hobby. To do experiment and learning things easier and faster, we exchange codes. Everybody will make a copy of each other books, break up the codes, assign the task of typing and merge the codes during testing. It was seriously fun! (typing 10,000 lines of codes alone - are tiring!)

At school. My friends called me 'Kura-kura' (tortoise) - I carried a large back-pack. Besides the computer books, I have my own 'Scrap Book' - containing paper cutting and my notes, ideas, unanswered questions, etc.

The ugly 'Scrap Book'.

Things inside my 'Scrap Book'.

My hand-writing sucks until at the final year in my secondary school. I improvised and beautify my 'hand-writing' font-face because I need to write and send love letters and greeting cards to pretty girls. Nowadays, most of them got married and transformed to not-so-pretty anymore, my hand-writing 'went with it'. Ekekeke...

Let's continue.. One fine day, there was a 'spot check'/'Search' at school. The prefect found my 'Scrap Book' and said it is 'inappropriate and illegal' and it was taken away. I was in rage and sad.

There are parts in my book containing 'illegal stuff'. The 'illegal stuff' are playing cards.

Those 'Illegal Stuff' with with spelling mistake. :p

I have a lot of playing cards on Jet Fighters, Helicopters, Warships, etc and glued it in my 'Scrap Book' - for my references about each machines properties - Speed, Height and Weight, Ceiling service, etc. I was begging for them not too take my 'Scrap Book' but, they don't care. It is illegal in school, confiscated and kept in the school Disciplinary Unit's locker.

What ever it takes, I want my 'Scrap Book' back! Planning to break-in the locker, I know I have no strength to knock open the lock with a hammer. After school, I went to meet my friends in the secondary school. I need their help to get me the 'break-in' supplies - Magnesium and Aluminum strips (I know its reaction - I've played these before - Ref: Form 5 chemistry books on Thermodynamics Reaction).

As for backup 'distraction' plan for the teachers/guards, I will use 'Ubat Nyamuk' coil and Chinese fire-crackers (easy access! - one of my friend's father owns a Chinese burial shop! Yeay!) to be set-up at the other end of the school. The coil burning time are measured and will be timed to fire-up the fire-crackers if the mission taking too long risking captures.

I went out to school early the next morning with less books but with extra weight on my back-pack. Dropped by friend's house and he handed-over the supplies - no question asked. I 'borrowed' my dad's mini fire extinguisher from the store room too - Just in-case! I love to play with this thing when there are no one looking. Burning Aluminum and Magnesium will be too hot for water to handle. Adding water will breaks it to hydrogen and oxigen and will makes bigger fire and bigger 'pops' or 'kebabowww' or 'kolecik-kebummm' (oh no no.. not this.. this is the sound from RPG). I don't want that. I just want to make a tiny buzzing small-scale-extremed-temperature-thermodynamic-fireworks-metal-liquifying action for that eve!

During the morning break, I was instructed to go to the teacher's room. I was afraid that my plan were detected. In the teacher's room, suddenly, my class teacher took out my 'Scrap book'. She asked me either it is mine. I said "Yes. It's mine. I need it back, please." She opened and flipped the book page by page and wrote something on it. Then, she gave it to me. I opened the book and asked her..

"Kenapa cikgu conteng buku saya?" ("Teacher, why are you scribbling on my book?")

She replied.. "Kalau sesaper rampas lagi, bagi tau dia, saya bagi awak kebenaran buat buku nie." ("If anyone took your book again, tell them that you have my permission to do this.")

..I thanked her and her name is Pn. Samsiah (my class teacher when I was in 'Darjah 4'(primary 4))

Solid 'Ruby' Laser.
Cikgu 'Conteng' buku saya. : ' (

Thermodynamic fireworks mission was aborted. What happened to Magnesium and Aluminum strips? = 'Top Secret Underwater Burning Experiment in the bathtub' - Shhh.. don't tell my mom ya.. :)

Thanks mom and dad!

Note: During any experiment, I have a very high standard of safety and precaution procedures. I won't take any 'direct'/'known'/'highly possible' risk of injury or death.

December 13, 2011

Digital File Signatures: Magic Numbers

Haizz.. lembab btul courier service nie. Kang aku dah nak shutdown baru la hegeh-hegeh gegar pintu. So, ada 100plus + Nescafe + Asap.. Meh aku nak citer sket pasal file.

Files/data dalam computer disimpan dalam bentuk binary. '1' atau '0'. Time skolah dulu memang dah ada blaja benda nie.. 1 + 1 = 10, 10 + 01 = 11, etc.. every tempat '1' atau '0' = bit. Computer akan groupkan 8-bit jadi 1 byte. Untuk Hexadecimal (16-bit) memerlukan 2-byte (8-bit + 8-bit).

Dulu-dulu, time awal-awal dulu. Setiap programmer mesti tau benda nie untuk read/baca atau save/simpan file. Nie adalah benda yang paling asas. Coding read/save file nie dibuat dalam C/C++, Pascal, PHP, ASP, VB dan almost semua languages.

Setiap jenis file/file type boleh dikenal pasti dengan mudah melalui extension. Contohnya macam 'Awek01.jpg', 'exAwek.png' atau 'Surat.doc'. '.jpg', '.png' '.doc' adalah extension file tersebut. Berbeza dengan extension '.txt', file-file tersebut tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar without decoding. Content file tersebut disimpan dan dibaca oleh computer dalam bentuk 'Hex' atau 'Hexadecimal'.

Computer tak kisah sangat pasal extension yang korang taruk. Computer akan buka file tu dan baca header atau permulaan file tu. Header nie dipanggil 'File Signature' atau 'Magic Number'. Handphone pun macam tu jugak. Dia akan check file signature. File signature ini biasanya mengandungi format file, compression, file structure dan lain-lain.

Ada banyak tools untuk bukak/edit file dalam bentuk 'Hex'. Contohnya.. wxHexEditor (Free, OpenSource, Linux, Windows, Mac) - download jer la sesuka hati!

wxHexEditor in action. (in Windows XP)

Benda nie pun boleh digunakan untuk modified game/program, hacking, inject virus, tukar highscore kat game, taruk cheat, etc. apa-apa pun boleh (kecuali memasak, basuh keta, usha awek yg jaga tol belah utara, etc.)

So, pada permulaan file yg dapat dilihat kat nilai Hex adalah 'File Signature' atau 'Magic Number'.


  • jpg = FF D8 FF E0 ?? ?? 4A 46 49 46 00 
    (dan seterusnya adalah data image, compression, etc.)
  • png = 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A 
    (dan seterusnya adalah data image, etc.)
  • ico = 00 00 01 00 
    (file icon, dan seterusnya adalah data image, etc.)
  • pdf = 25 50 44 46 
    (dan seterusnya adalah content pdf, etc.)

Sama la jugak dengan bermacam-macam jenis file-file yang lain yang tak menggunakan text format (yang tak boleh dibaca/disimpan tanpa decoding/encoding)

Ia juga digunakan dengan meluas time upload gambar pastu automatic resize, automatic taruk watermark, embed-code, etc. Tak kira la korang pakai Linux ke, Windows ke, Mac ke, nie sumer kira standard aa..


December 5, 2011

Changing GRUB 2 Menu List

I always forgetting.. As  reminder to myself and others, here's how. In the terminal..
gksudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg
That's it. Enter SU (super user password), edit & save! Reboot!

October 19, 2011

Macam Mana Nak Lajukan PC & Internet

Gambar hiasan - rebat kat NGC
Tajuk bengong. Tujuan tajuk bengong = Search engine & user friendly. Meh aku bagi tips sket:

Kenapa nak PC laju?
  1. Nak PC laju sebab nak main game.
  2. Nak PC laju sebab malas nak tunggu time processing.
  3. Nak PC laju sebab nak save duit. Yerla, nak save electric, nak save battery, nak save prepaid Internet.
  4. Nak PC laju sebab nak buat banyak kerja dalam 1 masa. Nak layan Chat ngan aweks, sambil nak update status kat FB, sambil edit gambar, sambil update blog, nak buat kerja.. dan macam-macam lagi..
  5. Kalau PC laju, yg memang dah boleh gie laju. Kalau PC laju jadi lembab, mesti ada sebab. Kalau PC dah memang lembab, pakai je la program-program yang tak memerlukan banyak processing power.
Sebab-sebab utama kenapa PC slow/lembab?
  1. Banyak Spyware. Spyware = program yg korang diterinstall time layan porn (bukan aku, korang), time install game-game free yang kecik (biasanya game bodo2 yang dak pompuan suka, dak pompuan punya PC gerenti banyak spyware), time korang install crack daripada sumber yang tak meyakinkan (aku tak.. aku layan opensource je), time korang install software free daripada sumber yang tak boleh dipercayai. Hobi spyware nie adalah mencuri maklumat yang ada dalam PC, tak kira la gambar ke, website apa yang korang masuk ke, file apa yang korang bukak ke, atau apa-apa jer la.
  2. Ada Virus. Virus nie kira adik sepupu belah abah sedara spyware. Hobi dia tak tentu. Kengkadang merosakan file, ada yang suka rosakan system, ada yang suka type atau tunjuk gambar bodo2 kat screen dan macam-macam lagi. Kalau korang suka cucuk sana, cucuk sini, senang dapat Virus. So, setiap kali nak cucuk USB, scan la dulu. Dinasihatkan supaya tak mencucuk merata - especially kat female port yang tak dikenali.
  3. Pre-installed/Autorun benda-benda yang tak perlu. OS (Operating System, Windows, Linux, etc) korang akan ada benda-benda yang korang tak pakai pun. Benda tak pakai, tak payah la install.. atau time tak nak pakai, tak payah la autorun/autostart. Jap lagi aku citer dengan lebih lanjut.
  4. Driver/Software yang outdated. Driver atau software yang outdated akan pening atau tak compatible. Tu pasal PC slow - banyak pikir. Bila dah tak dapat pikir, PC jadi jam atau crash.
  5. Antara sebab-sebab diatas juga akan melembabkan internet. Bertambah malang bila korang pakai Internet yang akan cap/menghadkan penggunaan setelah mencapai bilangan nilai bytes tertentu. Contohnya:
    • ISP mention kelajuan 1Mbps (Mega bit per second, 1,048,576 bits = 131,072 KBps)
    • Habis lepas henjut 100MB, Internet jadi lembab 128Kbps
    • Pastu 128Kbps tu pun 'best effort' je.. biasanya 50% ~ 70%
    • daripada 128Kbps = 64KBps ~ 91KBps.
    So, bila tetiba autoupdate jalan sendiri, abis la korang punya bandwidth usage. Internet jadi lembab. Lepas tu spyware, virus cuba connect ke Internet dan hantar file yang dah di curik tu. Bertambah-tambah la lembab.
  6. Sikap kedekut, tamak, pentingkan diri sendiri. Kalau ISP, tu memang dah for sure aaa.. Dah la infrastructure investment pakai duit rakyat. Pastu compete dengan cara tak sihat. Sebagai pengguna pula, kalau dah download apa-apa tu (benda-benda yang halal) share-share la. Tak payah orang lain download berkali-kali, tak payah lalu International gateway. Taruk je dalam server school, uni, kolej, office, etc. So orang lain nak download pun senang dan laju. Bila orang lain nampak korang buat macam nie, diorang pun akan buat benda yang sama. Sharing. Korang nak download apa-apa pun senang. Tukang check virus/spyware pun ramai. Tukang tolong, kalau korang ada problem pun ramai - sebab diorang tak suka kalau kaki sedut punya PC down - Diorang pun rugi. Sama gak macam pengguna broadband yang bayar flat rate bulan-bulan. Time tak pakai, open/share kan je kat semua orang. Disamping korang dapat kawan-kawan online baru, cara ini dapat menyatakan pada ISP/Telco, pengguna memerlukan bandwidth yang stabil. Kalau bayar RM50 untuk 1Mbps sebulan:
    • pengguna ada hak untuk surf 1Mb / (1s x 60min x 24jam x 30hari)sebulan = 43,200Mb/Sebulan
    • ..atau 5,400MB/Sebulan = 5.4GB/Sebulan.
    • Tu kalau pakej 1Mbps laa.. (B besar = byte, b kecik = bit, 1 byte = 8 bit).
    So, kalau korang pakai tak sampai 5.4GB, rugi laa. baik share ngan pengguna lain - bagi je diorang pakai free-free. ISP/Telco pun tengok "ala dak nie pakai tak banyak.. tak yah nak tambah port kat area tu" keadaan ini akan menyebabkan bottleneck pada masa-masa tertentu. Dimana korang gak yang akan rugi. Yang untungnya, ISP/Telco. Contoh lain, sama gak time korang gie buffet. Bayar RM39++, alih-alih, tengok ada nasi putih je. Lauk semua takde, dah habis. Yang datang makan buffet pun cuma 2 orang. Buta-buta je bayar. Tokey buffet gak untung. Cuba kalau 100 orang makan buffet, yang tinggal nasi putih je, mau terbalik meja, tokey jadi lauk.
  7. Seandainya Internet access dari tempat-tempat sensitive/sulit/critical contohnya office gomen, company-company kewangan, dll. Bergembiralah spyware & viruses tu.
Macam mana nak lajukan PC/Internet?
Aku tak jual/tak ambik commission/takde kepentingan terhadap apa-apa saranan dibawah. Links untuk download semua tools atau software aku letak last sekali. Sebab, aku kenal sangat sesetengah korang - especially yang pompuan, pantang nampak benda boleh click, korang click. So, aku taruk hujung-hujung post.. baca habis dulu..
  1. Pastikan takde virus. Untuk XP, aku pakai Avast Free Antivirus. Jangan install 2 atau lebih Antivirus. Nanti diorang gaduh. PC jam. Pakai 1 je. Kena selalu update - sebab aku tak 'on' kan autoupdate. Kalau ada antivirus, tapi tak pernah/jarang update, tak guna gak.
  2. Pastikan takde spyware. Untuk XP, aku pakai Spybot Search & Destroy. Kena selalu update dan scan secara manual. Biasanya pengguna tak ambik kisah sekiranya ada automatic scanning - bila ada notice keluar, diorang just click-click je. Tak baca pun. Bila buat manual scanning, pengguna ada masa untuk baca report-report yang dikeluarkan. Pengguna akan jadi lebih sensitive.
  3. Update semua driver. Contohnya: motherboard driver, sound driver, graphic card driver dan lain-lain. Tu kena check kat korang punya brand. Ini sangat-sangat penting. Ada beberapa kes pengguna yang tak pernah visit site brand/model diorang. Bila PC rosak, baru kelam kabut. Last-last tengok dah takde warranty. Sedangkan kat website dah annouce model-model yang bermasalah akan diganti secara percuma dengan model baru. Tak ke rugi tu?
  4. Uninstall semua software/games/atau apa-apa je yang tak pakai, atau carik alternative software yang tak berat. Aku cuma pakai XP (original tau) yang lain-lain semua open-source. Contohnya..
    • kerja-kerja office, aku pakai OpenOffice
    • GIMP untuk photoediting
    • Inkscape untuk vector graphics
    • Blender untuk kerja 3D, architecture, animation, movie making/editing
    • nak layan movie pakai DAUM Potplayer
    • Browsing pakai Chrome, Firefox. IE aku pakai untuk update XP je.
  5. Hentikan process automatic yang tidak berkenaan. Untuk melihat process yang sedang berjalan, tekan.. 'Ctrl-Alt' dan 'Del' (untuk lihat je). Untuk set apa yang perlu atau tidak, pergi ke:
    • 'Start' > 'Control Panel' > 'Administrative Tools' > 'Services'
    • Name = Nama process yang terkandung dalam system.
    • Description = maklumat latarbelakang mengenai process tersebut.
    • Status = penunjuk samaada process sedang berjalan atau tidak.
    • Startup Type = Bagaimana process tersebut dimulakan.
    • Automatic = Process dijalankan secara automatic sebaik sahaja masuk Windows
    • Manual = Process dijalankan hanya bila diperlukan.
    • Disabled = Process tidak dibenarkan berjalan.
    • Log On As = tukang start process.
    Untuk configuration process samaada perlu atau tidak, sila rujuk site Black Viper. Aku tak nak cut & paste kat sini. Kat sana dah cukup lengkap. Pilih sama ada configuration untuk XP, Vista, Windows 7 atau lain-lain. Sila baca dengan teliti mengenai apa yang perlu dengan apa yang tidak perlu. Untuk access process tersebut, right-click > properties. Selepas semuanya selesai, Reboot.
  6. Kosongkan temporary files. Aku pakai CCLeaner (Crap Cleaner). Free je. First Section, 'Cleaner'. Cleaner nie akan buang file-file sementara. Boleh pilih apa nak buang atau tak nak buang. Biasanya aku akan buang semua. Click 'Analyze' lepas tu, dah habis analyze, click 'Run Cleaner'.
  7. Bersihkan Registry. Aku pakai CCleaner gak. Click kat 'Registry', click button 'Scan for Issues', dah abis scan, pilih semua, lepas tu click 'Fix Selected Issues'. Settle!.
  8. Check Startup. Still pakai CCleaner. Pastikan Startup tu dikenali untuk tujuan apa.
  9. Lakukan defrag atau defragmentation. Aku pakai Defraggler satu company dengan CCleaner. Nama company tu Piriform. Fragmentation = serpihan/pecahan. Dalam harddisk, 1 file boleh berpecah. Korang nampak 1 file, tapi sebenarnya dalam haddisk file nie pecah-pecah. Kenapa jadi macam nie? Sebab time korang surf, temporary file akan disimpan dalam harddisk, surf sambil buat kerja, sambil download, PC akan simpan file mana ikut mana sempat at that time. Lepas install Defraggler, click 'Analyze', dah habis analyze, click 'Defrag'. Process nie ambik masa sket. Time nie korang boleh gie tidur, masak, mandi, etc. Bila dah siap, baru sambung. Defragmentation boleh dilakukan seminggu sekali. Time defrag, jangan usik PC.
  10. Check connection time online. Aku pakai TCPView. TCP = Transmission Control Protocol. TCPView akan display server mana yang korang access atau server mana yang access korang. Janagn terperanjat kalau list tu berderet-deret. Kalau bytes receiveing ok lagi, kalau bytes sending banyak menunjukkan ada benda ghaib yang access PC korang. So, orang-orang gomen yang boleh access file-file gomen tu.. paham-paham la ye.. sia-sia je Tun kasi idea buat MSC, internal networks, supaya maklumat tak kuar. Nak lagi best, cuba buka TCPView time layan ef bi..
  11. Kebanyakan iklan-iklan yang menyemak juga boleh dibuang menggunakan Adblock Plus. Tanpa iklan, (especially iklan yang menggunakan Flash) akan membuat browser lebih laju & ringan. Adblock Plus adalah extension untuk Chrome & firefox.
    • Chrome, Click icon spana > Tools > Extension > Get more extension > pastu, search aa Adblock > pastu install
    • Firefox, Tools > Addons > Extensions > pastu search aa adblock > pastu install
    Aku tak install Flash player. Flash player built-in dalam Chrome. So, tak de masalah untuk run Flash.
  12. Aku disabled semua plugins dalam Firefox.
  13. Java (JVM) aku buang sebab tak pakai. Korang pakai?
  14. dot Net Framework pun aku uninstall (semua). Benda nie aku tak pakai pun. Korang pakai untuk apa? Benda nie pun tak sepatutnya ada dalam Firefox. Fishy kan? camner boleh masuk, sedangkan Firefox adalah open-source. Benda nie masuk kedalam Firefox melalui Windows Update. Nak buang, baca kat sini..
  15. Untuk lebih advanced, boleh la try 'hijackthis' untuk dissect system registry degan lebih teratur. Hijackthis digunakan untuk membuang spyware/malware/virus degil.
Wokey.. list of free tools/software wuntuk pengguna Windows.
Kepada yang dah tak minat atau mahu mencuba selain daripada Windows, boleh cuba linux ubuntu. Kebanyakan software-sofware opensource yang tersenarai diatas juga boleh run kat linux. Antivirus dan tools defrag ata registry cleaner tiada di linux. Sebab, ianya tidak diperlukan. Download Ubuntu free kat sini
Abis. Ada masa nanti aku up screenshots.

September 18, 2011

Error copying files to USB drive

I snapped a few pictures in my mom's garden during Eid (besides om nom..nom.. :P).
..I want to make tileable textures!
Moved the pictures to the Netbook (Ubuntu 10.10).
Went back home & want to transfer it to my USB drive. Suddenly...

"There was an error.. bla.. bla.. bla.. whatever.."

Looking on the net searching for solution. Found NONE suitable solution. The USB drive will stop copying/responding/unmounted after few second - maybe a minute during copying.

I know that there's always a solution. Here's how to fix it... at least I can transfer 4 gigs of pictures to my USB.
  1. Open a small picture in that USB - If you have none, copy a small picture to that USB and open/view it up.
  2. By opening that picture (I'm telling Ubuntu that "I'm using this USB drive! don't loose it")
  3. The USB light won't stop blinking anymore (Ubuntu is saying.. "Ok master.. you are using this USB, I won't disconnect it")
  4. Now I can start transferring the file (without closing the small picture/image viewer)
  5. That's all.. hope it helps.. :D

September 16, 2011

Falcon BMS 4.32

Falcon BMS 4.32 is a mod, modded or modified version from the original old old (1998) Microprose game. With some hacking skills, computing skills & tonnes of enthusiasm, it can be done by anyone. This new BMS version of Falcon 4 is simply amazing facelift!

..and of course the mod version is free. get it here!
go there.. find it there ~ I'm encouraging you to read & explore it yourself ;)
..and you need a lot of reading on technical/avionics documentsss (within the installation) to play this game too.

..and joystick is a must!
..and Falcon 4 CD/pre-installed required during BMS installation.

This is the brand new CFT.

Argghh.. Where's my key? How to start the engine? Humm.. PDF might help.

Got the engine started. Taxi!

Up.. up and away..

What a nice sunny day.. in Korea!

Pushing some Gs while waiting..

..for my wingman!

I guess my upload not done properly (slow connection). Clearly, I've shot something.

Attacking airbase before I crashed into the sea while trying to get the
low flying screen caps. The sea got waves and reflection too. :D
Well.. try it. You also can try FreeFalcon 5. For FF5, you can download it for free here (no original game CD required).

August 18, 2011

Saving Youtube or other Videos

  1. Internet speed sucks.
  2. Reload again? Internet speed sucks!
  3. It's in the drive. Save it. before it download again. Internet speed sucks!
Here's how. Using nothing else - just Chrome. Why Chrome?
  1. I don't want to install plugins for Flash - Adobe sucks! Why? - auto-update & auto install anti-virus.
  2. I already have my own anti-virus. Installing more anti-virus causing conflict.
  3. Auto-update slowing down my internet. Internet speed sucks!
  4. Auto-update eating my bandwith. Capped Internet connection sucks!
  5. Chrome has it own internal Flash player.. Chrome rulez!
In your directory, theres a file cache (temporary internet files that saved in your harddrive). Go there:

C:\Documents and Settings\[your computer name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

Theres a list of files.
Look for big files - those big files are usually videos.
Change the name/rename the file to [bla..bla..bla].flv
Double the file click to run it.
If thats the file you want, copy the file. Paste it to somewhere else.
You're done!

June 27, 2011

Blender 2.5 & Ubuntu 3D View Shortcuts Clashes

Just a reminder for myself and maybe useful to others too..

After re-installing Ubuntu and Blender, my 'alt' + 'mouse left click' to rotate view in Blender won't work anymore. I know I did something before - but I seem can't remember what. Actually, it is just as simple as changing 'alt' key shortcut to using those 'windows' key in Ubuntu system.

System > Preferences > Windows

Choose Super (or "Windows Logo") then.. close.

Open up Blender. everything works again :)

It will helps Blender runs faster too. It won't clash with Ubuntu shortcut anymore.

Cheers and happy Blending!

April 1, 2011

Ads/Site Blocking with AVAST

Internet are slow ~ everywhere! Even you have 20 mbps line! Me.. just a damn 128 kbps.

Ads makes my download (really! 1 download at a time)  & browsing slower. Slow than ever! Arggghhhh!

Avast is a great Anti-virus. It's free for home user too. Try it! If you think its good, buy it! I really encourage people using paid version of Avast Anti-virus for Corporate/Office usage (Avast didn't pay me anything for this - its a sincere suggestion!)

You can download Avast Anti-virus for free here:

Make sure: uninstall all other anti-virus first before installing any other anti-virus - including Avast!. We don't want any conflict - anti-virus fighting each other to gain complete control of your PC!

I love looking for ads because I love to block them.. :)

Here's how...

After installing Avast, restart your PC
Then, launch Avast User Interface.

Go to "Real-time Shield". Select "Network Shield".
Tick "Enable Site Blocking".

Then, go to "Additional Protection" and "Site Blocking"
As you are browsing, you can see the site activity at (2).
Take a pen & paper, write down the suspected "ads" site.

Then, go back to "Additional Protection" & "Site Blocking".
Enter the suspected ads site.
You can use "?" and "*" too.
Example: Block all site with URL that have "porn".
The entry will be: *porn*
Huh.. that's all.. do you really block all the porn?

Happy Blocking & Cheers!

March 29, 2011

Basic UV Mapping

Prepare Object.
Go to edit mode ("TAB key").
Then press select all faces ("a" key).
Then pree "u" key ti unwrap.
Go to "UV Editing" Layout.
Select the object if not selected, go to edit mode (right pane).
You can see the unwrapped UV on the left pane.
Open image at the left pane (bottom). Image > Open.
Select an image file.
Use the mouse right click and grab "G" key adjust the UV vertices on the left pane.
Done! Go to "Default" Layout and activate "Textured" mode.
That's all folks. Here I'm using a small icosahedron with hair particles.
Attach the single hair object/group as a leaf.
Use "Convert" to make it usable in the game mode.

February 24, 2011

Simple "Path" Animation

Start Blender.
Add new "Curve" by using "Shift" + "a" key

Go to wire-frame view mode
(So that you can see the added curve clearly.

Select the "Curve" by right clicking.
Go to edit mode using "TAB" keu.
Adjust the curve points & handles using right click to select
and "g" key to move it around.

Choose the object to animate using right click.
Go to object constraint panel.
Add constraint & choose "Follow Path"

Choose target as your curve & enable "Follow Curve"

Go to start frame (eg: frame 1).
Select the curve.
Go to "Object Data" panel
Move mouse over evaluation time.
Press "i" key to insert frame.

Go to end frame (eg: 250)
Key in the end Frames (eg: 250)
Key in "Evaluation Time" (eg: 250)
Move mouse over "Evaluation Time".
Insert the key frame again using "i" key.
Done! Press "alt" + "a" to preview animation.

Simple Animation

Start a Blender!

Select object to animate by "Right Click"

Go to the first frame. Move object to any start position (use "g" key)
then, press "i" key. Select "Location"

Drag to any end frame of your choice (eg: 100).

Move object to desired new location then, press "i" key again
and choose "Location"

Done! Press "Alt" + "a" to preview/run the animation!