November 19, 2014

Windows 8 Slow Unresponsive after KB3000830 update.

  1. Update for Windows 8.1 for x64-based Systems (KB3000850) released 2 days ago. (17 Nov 2014)
  2. I'm running Windows 8.1.
  3. Previously my Startup time is 1.6s.
  4. My internet speed is a crappy 384kbps (+96kbps unlimited)
  5. Downloading 700++ MB updates, I need faster internet speed.
  6. Luckily, I have few SIMs from various ISP - downloading completed (offline installation).
  7. After successful installations (KB3000850, KB3003057, KB3014442) and restarts, everything freezes - damn slow.
  8. I went to event viewer - viewing the log line by line.
  1. My wireless is 'on'. Microsoft keeps trying to call home. Switch it 'off' (the internet) to make it faster.
  2. Antivirus - Avast failed to initialize.
  3. Due to 'Immersive control panel' not able to 'connect to the server' failure - which includes freezing 'sleep' and 'shutdown'.
  1. Get naked, get rid of Avast temporarily (until Avast update their antivirus).
  2. Luckily, I got CCLeaner installed. Using the Uninstaller, I got rid of Avast.
  3. Everything works fine now - and naked.
  4. I updated Windows defender - and still feels naked.
  5. Reinstalling Avast will cause similar slowness.
  6. ..but, I'll wait for Avast.
I need Avast.. 'site blocking' regex was very useful for blocking ads. I don't want t spend my 384kbps for receiving ads.