March 28, 2007

My hosting server is still alive!

Just checked yesterday. Found out that my server and domain is still alive. I might be continue it there with my own CMS. I wonder when I can complete the CMS and uploading to that new (old) server. Till then... keep visiting...

March 24, 2007

F-15 RealTime

The previous F-15 on simple OpenGL renderer. Simple texture. The tutorial will be online soon (maybe next week). Damn! I wish I wont have to go to that wedding.

Basically, I am trying to optimize the rendering speed and minimize the file size - to make it run as fast as possible with the file size as small as possible.

Driving Simulation.. WAJA ler konon...

I've lost the car texture.. somewhere in my old harddisk (maybe). It is a driving simulation yg ngajar bersopan santun di jalan raya - so, follow the driving rules and signboard. Runs with basic physic engine and driving wheels or keyboard...

Realtime 3D People do nothing

A project years ago. This is realtime. Running on OpenGL. I will release the executable later.

My first completed 3D Scene

This was created many years ago, where I'm still learning texturing and modeling the real world objects. Now, when I see it, I know it SUCKS!!!

3D Smurf thing...

Simple 3D small Smurf like home, with twin butterfly genetically identical.

Low Poly F-15 Strike Eagle

Full view of F-15.

3/4 view.

Front view.

3D Low Poly F-15 Strike Eagle multiple variants. Rendered with LightTracer.
  • Retractable Wheels
  • Animated Rudder/Flaps/Air Brake
  • Animated Canopy
  • AIM-9
  • AGM-65
  • MK-84